
Showing posts from June, 2018

InterValue v2.0 Testnet Launch — First Global Recruitment of Local Full Node and Light Node Alpha Test

InterValue, a highly practical decentralized distributed application development platform and the world’s first Blockchain 4.0 project built to support the large-scale deployment of applications, will unveil its plan for the global recruitment of local full node and light node on July 5, 2018, initiating the first wave of nodes recruitment for the alpha test. The recruitment will start on July 5, 2018, and end on July 20, 2018. Participants who contribute to the test will receive a compensation in form of INVE tokens following the completion of the test (please visit InterValue’s official website for more details: InterValue aims to build a generic, multifunctional, high performance, easy to use, strong user experience and scalable infrastructure for Blockchain 4.0 era and develop the underlying ecosystem that will support applications of all kinds. At the beginning of May 2018, the project released the InterValue v1.0 testnet to the public after i...

InterValue’s TestNet 2.0 Release: Implementation of HashNet Consensus, Committed to Building the Practical Infrastructure of the Blockchain 4.0 E

Blockchain has received a lot of attention in the past few years and blockchain projects have captured a significant share of the capital that used to be reserved to the Web industry. Due to the highly speculative nature of those projects, their value often does not reflect the actual work and only a handful of projects seem to be able to deliver on their promises. The InterValue blockchain project was unveiled to public in April 2018. As it went online for the first time, its founders expressed their vision for the establishment of the Blockchain 4.0 era. It immediately appeared as one of the few projects that insist on practical research on the blockchain technology and aim to bring real improvements to this field. In just two months, the project was introduced in many blockchain events across the world, receiving a lot of attention from industry influencers and investors. It also got backed by several well-known investment institutions. In June 2018, InterValue was fe...

InterValue: From Blockchain to Value Interconnect

If not the sudden surge of the bitcoin, we may not know what the blockchain is, in other words, the bitcoin which exists almost ten years and was little known, then one day was mush rushed and let someone gets rich. Thus undoubtedly makes much concentration about the blockchain technology, people began to do research on it and found that the blockchain actually has the potential to change the world of the future. The speculators flocked to the blockchain, thus makes the situation that we familiar with. Refer to the blockchain, most people just know little about it not the real gift at it. So even many people want to do research on it carefully but can not figure it. Thus we can see many people try to use lots of ways to give an explanation of the concept of a popular blockchain to netizens. In a narrow sense, a blockchain is a chained data structure in which data blocks are sequentially connected in a time-ordered manner, and cryptography ensured non-falsifiable and un...

The background of InterValue’s team

In order to build the world’s first practical blockchain 4.0 project to support large-scale application, the InterValue project built a strong team: more than 60 people led by Doctoral and Masters which contains more than 40 developers, and other experienced Project consultants and strategic partners. The team provided a solid guarantee for a blockchain project based on technological innovation. Members have devoted themselves to various types of industry information technology solutions, personalized products, and services for many years, and have conducted in-depth research in the areas of cyberspace security, big data and cloud computing, simulation technology, financial computing, and information system integration development. Before the InterValue project, the team has developed projects that include a distributed, blockchain-based SME equity trading platform, a blockchain infrastructure for broadcast platforms, smart home devices based on blockchain infrastructure, and sm...